Every story is an Epic Story when God is the Author

One Epic Story

The Bible is full of epic stories. There are giants, massive storms, conquering armies, curses, diseases, great victories, and tremendous defeats at the turn of each and every page. We tend to look at the heroes of these stories as giants among men and women. They are special people, with a special blessing from God. How could we ever measure up? Our stories are nothing compared to theirs.

This is certainly how I looked at my life and story. Sure my life has had some ups and downs. My wife and I have experienced victories and defeats, but no one would be interested in our story, right?

In the summer of 2019, something happened to rock our world - I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In that moment of despair, God told my wife and me that He was indeed writing an epic story with our lives. This would be a story with giants, storms, battles, diseases, victories and defeats. This would be a story that He would one day use to showcase His faithfulness and provision. He simply wanted us to be obedient to His leading and share our story with anyone who would listen. He told us our story would bring Him glory and would encourage others to look to God for their own epic story. So that is what we are doing. We hope our story will inspire you to seek God for your story and that you too will find Him faithful!
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